

3 tips for van owners hoping to shield their vehicles from Burglars

While vehicle crime figures in the UK have declined, entrepreneurs and light business vehicle owners keep on seeing their vehicles being targeted by criminals.

Regularly left unattended for long stretches of the day or night, and ordinarily containing costly tools and hardware, light business vehicles can be easy targets for criminals.

Trevor Hodgson-Philips, Head of Service and Parts at Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles offers van owners some valuable advice on how to secure their vehicles:

1. Parking

Consider where you're parking your vehicle. Placing it in a sufficiently bright zone or in a car park with CCTV will help lessen the likelihood of undesirable attention. Cheats will regularly pick simpler targets, enabling them to commit crime without being spotted.

By stopping behind different vehicles or placing a van so the doors are obstructed by another vehicle or wall can be a decent deterrent. Any approach to burden or make life troublesome for the the thieves will help.

2: Additional locks and capacity

Fitting extra lock systems to the back door or sliding doors can make it more troublesome for cheats to enter forcefully. The aftermath devices are fitted to the door skin of the vehicle and drivers can simply use their key to unlock them when they are back from their job.

3: Anti-siphoning

With the cost of diesel continuing to rise, the burglary of fuel remains an issue so fitting an anti-siphoning gadget could help you relax. A more common practice however, is the burglary of exhaust systems – with their uncommon material making them valuable. To stop this kind of robbery you can fit things, like, welded-jolts or a defensive screen to your vehicle.

Regardless of which approach you take to secure your vehicle, the key thing to remember is that the harder you make it for a thief, the more probable it is that your van will stay safe.

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